Thursday, May 21, 2009

More reflections on John 17:6-19

I could talk about the distinctions between the worlds. Jesus was in the world, now is no longer in the world. He is not of this world. We, as believers, are also no longer of this world. We are in the world, but not of the world. We are not of the world because we are increasingly able to see the unseeable. By the power of the Holy Spirit, we perceive what those without faith can’t perceive. To those without faith, Jesus speaks in parables. But for us who have the Holy Spirit, Jesus speaks plainly, in the sense that we are able to understand the parables which Jesus speaks. He opens our minds to understand the scriptures (Luke 24:45).
Augustine points out that Jesus is referring to the Church in vs. 6, and not to the 11 apostles only. What glory is there in being known only by 11 people? Not the apostles only, but to the Church, the Bride of Christ, who belongs to the Father and has been given to Christ, to whom Christ has made His name known, and the Church which keeps His Word. However, Jesus also is speaking specifically of the apostles.
Reflecting on vv. 12-13, Augustine says that Jesus is talking about his bodily presence only. When he was physically present with the apostles, he protected them. But now that he was about to ascend bodily back to the Father, he prays for them. Jesus is still with us spiritually. But now he is physically at the right hand of the Father and will, physically, return one day to judge the nations.
The Father and Son are one in essence. We, as Christians, are one in essence. This unity, when it is manifested, stirs joy within us. Our hope is to fully realize our unity in Christ, which will be the fullness of joy of which Jesus speaks, who is fully human and fully divine in one Person. Joy is manifested in unity.
By the Holy Spirit, we are regenerated, born anew. This is how we are drawn out of the world, by being born of water and the spirit. Jesus has never been of the world because he was born by the Holy Spirit. We were not born of the spirit, which is why we entered life in the world. But now, by the grace of God and by our response, we are born anew, and are now not of the world. However, we remain in the world, but not of it. We remain in order to witness to Christ, even as we know that our citizenship is now in heaven.
When Jesus says He sanctifies Himself, He means that He sanctifies humanity in His Person. We, as humans, are being sanctified in our humanity as we live our lives in Christ. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.

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